ARGUS Portfolio Model is a commercial real estate portfolio model with VBA automation built-in. Below are videos about the ARGUS Portfolio Model. The videos will provide thorough walk-through and instructions for how to use the model. If you are interested in this model, please Contact Us.
What is ARGUS Portfolio Model?An overview of ARGUS Potfolio Model. This model can underwrite a complex real estate portfolio within 10 minutes with granular assumptions and great accuracy.
We cover the basic information section in the ARGUS Portfoliio Model. Users can input close date and deal name in this section. Let's delve in.
We import cash flow from individual properties and ARGUS Excel Models using an automatic VBA funtionality. Let's take a close look at it.
We can input detailed items in uses and sources section in the Portfolio Model, including purchase price, debt and equity amount.
We cover the debt section in the Portfoliio Model. The debt financing and refinance are introduced and discussed in this section.
We cover the disposition section in the Portfoliio Model. Including how to make different exit assumptions for each property.
We can input property information the Portfolio Model, Three variables are included in this section: GP and LP's names, address, and site size.
We cover the other assumptions section in the Portfolio Model. Three variables are included in this section: The total reserve, going-in cap rate and first year ROI.
We talk about the waterfall section in the Portfolio Model. Waterfall is a terminology of a profit-splitting structure between GP and LP.
We go through the functions of the Fix Everything button in the Portfolio Model. Fix Everthing button is one of the most powerful features in the model.
We discuss the rest of the functions of the Fix Everything button in the Portfolio Model. The Fix Everything button checks the critical inputs in the model.
We will discuss the Executive Summary section in the Portfolio Model. This section contains some basic facts and critical information about the property.